Ninja Module Hider

Now You See it, Now you Dont.

Ninja Module Hider

Created by: Daniel Chapman

PHP Code license: CC-GNU GPL

JS Code license: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0

CSS and Images: Copyright Ninjoomla, 2008

Released by/Copyright:, 2008

Support: If you require support for this component please visit the Ninjoomla forums.

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modulehider is designed to allow a user to place a module position with a different style or direction -inside- another module position, and then allow the user to either hide or show the contained modules.

Usage Instructions

Basic Setup

  • Install the module
  • Enter the module IDs for the modules you wish to display
  • Finally Publish

Tips and Extended Use FAQ

Can I combine multiple modules in one pane?
Yes, simply enter more than one module ID
Can I have multiple modulehiders on 1 page?
yes, simply copy the module like you would any other joomla module.
How do I change the order the modules appear in>
Simply change the order that they are entered into the Module IDs field.
How do I restrict access to contained modules?
To take advantage of the access level controls, just set the access level for the displayed modules in the module manager screen as you normally would.
Can I use a different Module Suffix?
You can change the module class suffix if you wish to use your template's module styling. We reccomend -flush however, as in 99% of cases it will give the best appearance

Trouble Shooting FAQ

What if my site already has Mootools Installed?
Select 'No' or 'Auto' for the 'Include mootools script?' parameter if you have another version of the mootools JavaScript library installed which includes the Accordion classes. Auto is not 100% reliable and should be used with caution.
What if my site has a single combined CSS file?
'Include CSS file' can be set to 'No' if you have manually entered the css into your own template CSS files. Putting all your css into one or two files will improve your site's load speed.
Why do I get a white screen on the front end when I publish the extension?
Due to limitations in Mambo and Joomla we must use sensitive php functions in order to have the module output validate for XHTML and CSS. As a result however, if your site has any php errors, then these functions will fail, producing a blank white screen. You may switch XHTML validation off if this happens to you. Though we suggest fixing the php errors as a better solution.
Wow! My flash banner and shoutbox are all messed up and don't dissapear.
Many complex modules, in particular flash ones, render themselves in odd ways which make it difficult or even impossible to hide them. There is unfortunately nothing (we know of) that we can do about it.

Changelog & Version Info

Version: 2.1

Date: April 09

State: Bugfix

  • CSS loader defect.

Version: 2.0

Date: March 08

State: Revision

  • Added Include Mootols/Include CSS/Include JS Parameters
  • Added Force Valid Parameters
  • Joomla! 1.5 Native
  • Replaced Module Position param with module IDs
  • Removed the need to enter a unique module ID, Now automatic
  • Removed the need to specify if the module is the first one, now automatic

Version: 1.1

Date: July 07

State: Updates

  • Added a lot of comments to the source (pro version)
  • Revised the JS to be cleaner and stripped most of it out into a seperate file
  • Included the initial_hidden class to hide the modulehider contents while the JS is loading

Version: 1.0

Date: May 07

State: Initial Version

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